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Actually this posting is to weigh the good side of umno but it seems that we cannot post any of it after receiving news about what is happening at Ground Zero. To umno, please fight like a gentleman and be able to stand tall even if you sense that you are losing.
Applying dirty tactics through bribery, using the police force and MB are not going to let you win this by-election that easily and it may instead backfire on you.
The following reports from Ground Zero through, Malaysia Today, Zorro and Haris.
The Umno dirty tricks have started
1) DAP has been ordered to close its operations centre by order of the Menteri Besar. The Bandaraya officers are currently at the DAP centre engaged in a heated argument with YB Ronnie Liu
2) All Primula Park Royal Beach Resort staff who are registered voters have been ordered by the Chairman to hand over copies of their identity cards. Primula is a state government-owned hotel in Kuala Terengganu.
3) DAP and PKR have been ordered to take down all their flags.
4) Unknown people have been discovered as 'registered voters' in various homes in Kuala Terengganu. The house owners are perturbed that strangers have been registered as voters using their home addresses.
5) The police have questioned the committee members of a private club in Kuala Terengganu where RPK was invited over for drinks as a guest of one of the members. The club has been warned to not allow RPK into the club again.
Why all these dirty tactics, umno, may I ask? Is power and money are all you can think off? Why go to the extend of using the police force and MB whom are suppose to look after the well being of all Malaysians, to your advantage? The police force are suppose to be there to maintain law and order and they should not interfere in any way politically.
After following this heated by-election daily for the past six days, I have the feeling that umno may win this election by a better majority. I was preparing to do a posting about it and the good side of umno but what a surprise when I switch on the internet to see how bad and dirty umno can be that makes me rewrite this posting.
How things can change over night. See the pictures below and you can realized how fearful umno is, regarding the Chinese voters. The wind of change is still blowing stronger and getting stronger each day as they keep on blowing till the 17th Jan. 2009.
You can read my earlier KT By-Election Ceramah Online series 8 - The Dirty Game Begins.
To a massively overwhelming audience at the Ocean Restaurant, visiting Chief Minister of Penang, the charismatic Lim Guan Eng revealed that Pakatan has reached a milestone in their coalition. He told the audience:
"If any problems occur, we will resolve it through musyawarah, that is through discussions. All three parties must hold discussions. And if a consensus is not reached, it must be discussed again. This means, should PKR and PAS agree to implement hudud and DAP disagrees, then it cannot be implemented. Everything must be discussed until all three parties agree."

KT Voters, do I need to say more. The choice you are going to make on the 17th Jan 2009 is the right choice for change. You must realized by now how umno rule this country with arrogant, threats, corruptions and lust for power over the 51 years they are in power. Your voting power can make the change that this country is dying for.
KT By Election: Ceramah Online Series
KT By Election: Ceramah Online Series 1 - Nominations
KT By Election: Ceramah Online Series 2 - Chinese Voters
KT By Election: Ceramah Online Series 3 - PAS Islamic Centric
KT By Election: Ceramah Online Series 4 - Altantuya
KT By Election: Ceramah Online Series 5 - At Ground Zero
KT By Election: Ceramah Online Series 6 - Malay Voters
KT By Election: Ceramah Online Series 7 - Hudud Again?
KT By Election: Ceramah Online Series 8 - The Dirty Game Begins
KT By Election: Ceramah Online Series 9 - Food Prices Keep Rising
KT By Election: Ceramah Online Series 10 - Rhetoric Najib
KT By Election: Ceramah Online Series 11 - Umno Against Hudud Laws?
PAS! bersih, amanah & cekap!