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RPK Speaks His Mind - Videos
Congratulation Najib, ISA, Umno and BN for a landslide win at the just concluded Bagan Pinang by election with over 5,000 majority.
The people had spoken and they prefer to elect a friendly candidate over morality. The found guilty of "money politics" (corruptions) candidate does not bother them a bit. The media and political experts will write their stuffs base on their political knowledge and provide facts and figures (past and present) analysis's on both the winner and loser. I am no expert on these and will leave it to them to write their reports.
What bothers me most is the voters may had sent the wrong signal to Najib. If I can recall correctly, when rallies were held to call for the repeal of the ISA, a few ministers claimed that they were given the mandate by the voters to be the government of the day, hence the voters accepted the ISA as it is.
What does this tell us. The voters had voted in a corrupt candidate and Najib will take it to mean that the voters are not against corruptions. Najib, himself had claimed that it's only technical. If Najib can accept corruptions as technical, nothing more then that, then, do we still need the MACC and will it be shut down?
It is imperative that Najib explain what is corruptions and base on what, that it can be termed as technical. He cannot just leave it like that and tell the public that the voters had accepted a corrupt candidate as their State Assemblyman because his offence is just technical.
The people are getting more confuse over what exactly is corruptions, money politics and in what way the term "technical" can be applied to either of it.
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