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New Route To Malaysia Today
RPK Speaks His Mind - Videos
Malaysia is going no where with a PM who just wants to get popular, "buying" for votes, camouflaging ill intentions by copying ideas initiated by others. So far all he had done is "big talk", "sloganeering ideas" and "rhetoric bullshitting" without implementing or walking the talk.
1Malaysia, a copycat of One Singapore.
Umno For All, a copycat of PAS FOR ALL
Declaring Sept 16 a national holiday, a copycat of PR declaration if it takes over Federal Government.
We must be fair to all races, a copycat of PR manifesto.
There are many other ideas that he is copying from PR and trying his best to impress the rakyat that all are his doing. Not to mention that he is also in a way trying to copy from my blog title Malaysia For All!
His KPI minister is asking for feedback and suggestions from the public to assist discussions on unity and 1Malaysia at an idea-generating session or "labs".
Is this for real or another of his gimmick. I will post my feedback and suggestions on this blog frequently and the first suggestion to Najib is:
Get your cyber troopers to stop harassing the bloggers and to forward all our posting of feedback and suggestions to you, irrespective of good or bad impression about you.
You said it Richard. Same old stale shit from the same old faces!!!
ReplyDeleteUnless we get new faces and ideas, we go nowhere as a nation. And all of us suffers!!!