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RPK Speaks His Mind - Videos
I have not added Ong Tee Keat as a friend yet, but you can view his profile which is open to the public. From his profile, I am wondering whether he is sincere or an illusionist and I find the need to pose these questions to OTK.
Under employer he stated that he got two employers:
Employer: MCA
Position: President
Time Period: November 2008 - Present
Employer: Rakyat Malaysia
Position: Transport Minister, Malaysia
Time Period: March 2008 - Present
Am I really his employer since I am a Rakyat Malaysia? Why is he specifying that he is also employed by MCA? Is it easier for him to evade questions raise by the rakyat by passing the buck to his employer, MCA and term it as classified under party rule?
From what I understand, MCA, is a Chinese Party, and I think he made an error when stating his employer as Rakyat Malaysia, it should be Rakyat Cina Malaysia. If he means truly that Rakyat Malaysia of all races are his employer, then he must dissolve MCA and also have the guts to tell umno to be dissolved and form a multi racial party.
Why is he not in agreement with Pakatan Rakyat which runs along the line of Ketuanan Rakyat to serve the people but instead believe in Umno/Barisan National "ketuanan Melayu" concept? Why is he still in Umno/BN who does not believe in equality and tend to raise racist remarks every now and then.
There are more questions then answers from what he said in his profile:
I firmly believe in doing what is right for the people of Malaysia - and I will not be intimidated or easily discouraged by the challenges and difficulties I face in my efforts to uphold honesty, ethics, transparency and accountability.
Talk is cheap, as the saying goes. What we need is less talk and more actions.
The rights of the people are being trampled upon and I do not see action from you. We, the rakyat, your employer, see that The ISA is being abused so often to clamp down on the oppositions, sending a reporter to jail for the stupid reason that she needed protections, simply base on hearsay to jail people that they are connected with terrorists, overthrowing the government and lately, your home minister even threaten to fill Kamunting to its brim. We want the ISA to be totally abolished and not amended, can you fight for the rights of the rakyat and work with PR to see that the ISA is abolish?
We, the rakyat, your employer wants the MSM to be set free, allowing them to report the truth without being censored by Umno/BN. The people have the right to know what is actually happening and not what Umno/bn wants us to know. This is the right of the people, can you do it?
By appointing another committee to overlook into the PKFZ fiasco shows that you are being intimidated by Najib and his gang. You should object outright the formation of this additional committee, which some of the members are themselves involved in certain approvals, but you did not. The perception of the rakyat, your employer, is that this committee is formed to sweep the whole fiasco under the carpet. Everyone is suing each other over this PKFZ fiasco, why do you allow PKA to start suing? We know that suing each other will drag this issue for years and when raise in Parliament it will be convenient for umno controlled speaker to object, specifying that they are now under the court jurisdiction. So, tell me, a rakyat Malaysia, your employer, how can your honesty, ethics, transparency and accountability works here.
Your employer, the rakyat Malaysia, is fully aware of the vast corruptions going on under Umno/BN's rule. Using your your honesty, ethics, transparency and accountability statement will you dare to go after those involved including Umno? I guess not, since you had shown your support for the Bagan Pinang candidate, who was convicted of money politic (to me is corruption, I suppose you agree with me).
Deaths under detention, whether as a suspect or witness, are so frightening here in Malaysia. The rights of the people need to be protected when they are under custody so what are you going to do about it?
Why is everything, when involved with huge sum of the public funds are classified under the OSA? Are these documents really a national security threat when revealed to the public, such as the toll agreement, the PKFZ, bakun dam, petronas etc, etc. Can you lift all these contracts or documents from the OSA, as the rakyat, your employer have the right to know how their money are spend.
I can go on with many things that are so wrong under Umno/Bn but the above are just samples for you to consider when you want to state that you firmly believe in doing what is right for the people of Malaysia - and you will not be intimidated or easily discouraged by the challenges and difficulties you face in your efforts to uphold honesty, ethics, transparency and accountability.
You can claim that you have your own way or style to handle these or certain things are not under your department, bla bla bla. Your supporters will ask for time and that you are alone in fighting these menaces bla bla bla. Excuses, more explanations, excuses, more talk bla bla bla.
So, my conclusion, although I believe that you firmly believe in doing what is right for the people of Malaysia - and you will not be intimidated or easily discouraged by the challenges and difficulties you face in your efforts to uphold honesty, ethics, transparency and accountability, is that, there is no way you can put your true believe into actions as long as you are inside Umno/bn.
Ong Tee Keat FaceBook Profile.
I will give him the benefit of the doubt for the moment. My inside sources tells me that he is sincere but fighting for his life. Many from UMNO and his own party would like to shut him up about PKFZ.
ReplyDeletePersonally I think he is sincere and will give him that chance albeit for a limited time only.