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RPK Speaks His Mind - Videos
Open Letters To President Obama#1, #2
My observation is that Umno/bn could win the Hulu Selangor by election without resorting to any dirty tactics or getting any obscure help from the EC. After one year with Najib as the PM, Umno/bn had make claim after claim that the people are returning to its fold and moreover Hulu Selangor has always being Umno/bn stronghold.
PKR candidate Zaid Ibrahim is now being targeted in liquor allegation and the promise by Muhyiddin Yasin to expose more of Zaid chequered track record, and skeletons in the closet. Muhyiddin Yasin proudly claim that their candidate, P Kamalanathan, is a man without baggage.
These type of attacks will not have much impact as the voters have heard all kinds of unsubstantiated allegations from both sides and will not be easily swayed.
What is worrying is the confusion that the voters will face should the alleged relocation of voting stations that will affect 13,488 voters is true.
Unless this is one of the dirty tactic employed by Umno/bn with EC obscure help, the EC must clarify this alleged relocation and to ensure that this by election is held fairly and without causing any confusion for the voters.
I do not want to believe that the EC can be so incompetent or in cahoot with Umno/bn but there are clear evidence of it happening. In the 12th GE, a few friends had called me up informing that their names were not listed in the constituency that they had being voting all their life. After checking, true enough their names were relocated elsewhere.
Hulu Selangor voters, start checking where you are supposed to vote to avoid last minute confusion.
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