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New Route To Malaysia Today
RPK Speaks His Mind - Videos
Beyonce, Michael Jackson, Joline, Andy Lau, S.H.E. and many other great entertainers concerts, can attract thousands of Malaysians. They are willing to cough out a few hundred bucks just to be with their idols. No harm, great entertainment and rightly Malaysians should be proud that they love and support their idols singing and musical talents.
But when it comes to what is going on locally, especially things that are affecting them in the present and the future, they are so reluctant to get involved, even though most of it are free. They simply could not be bothered with it. "Why bothered me, there are others who are doing a great job to defend and look after my interest".
Yes, it's always others and not me. This is the reason why our country is going down the drain. The world is changing but Malaysians feel that they need not have to change, simply because they are just happy for now, why worry about tomorrow.
When you talk to them about corruptions, they can accept the fact that it's just normal and happens everywhere. When you talk to them about politics, they show no interest and ignorant of their voting rights and that his/her one single vote can make the change for a better Malaysia.
This posting is to bring awareness to those who feels that it is not their obligation nor in their interest to make the changes for a better tomorrow and the future generations but just depend on others to do it for them.
Make a start today and get yourself involved. The following are a list of what's happening this November.
In Penang:

Date: November 7th, 2009 (saturday)
Time: 4.00pm-6.30pm
Venue: QueensBay Mall North Zone Ground Floor, Penang (Near Starbucks)
Organizer: The Office of YB Sim and Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR)
Dignitaries: YB Dr. Mansor (Guest of honor), YB Nurul Izzah, YB Yusmadi, YB Manikumar, YB Amir Shari, YB Sim Tze Tzin and many more.
The Schedule Launching Program
4.30pm: Ice-breaking by MC
5.00pm: Cheerleading / Boom Boom Dance
5.20pm: Opening Speech by YB Sim Tze Tzin
5.30pm: Opening / launch by DCM I Dr Mansor
5.35pm: Band Performance (ONE BUCK SHORT), followed by Interactive Games with audience and Young YBs such as YB Nurul Izzah, Yusmadi, Manikumar, Amir and Sim.
6.30pm: Close
Topic : REFORMASI GENERATION SPEAKS ... "Dialogue with Young Leaders"

Topic : REFORMASI GENERATION SPEAKS ... "Dialogue with Young Leaders"
Time & Date : 2.00 pm, 8 November 2009 (Sunday)
Venue : Mullti-Purpose Hall of Penang Han Chiang College, Jalan Lim Lean Teng, 11600 Penang
Panelists : YB Nurul Izzah binti Anwar (MP for Lembah Pantai) & YB Liew Chin Tong (MP for Bukit Bendera)
Moderator : YB Sim Tze Tzin (ADUN for Pantai Jerejak)

Youth Workshop : Ada Apa Dengan Bangsa?
Venue : Hu Yew Seah Hall, 43 Madras Lane, Penang
Date : 15th November, 2009
Time : Registration is from 8.15 – 845am on 15/11/2009. The workshop is from 9.00am – 1.00pm after which lunch will be served.
Age Qualification : The workshop is intended for those between the ages 17 -25
Objective : To get particpants to explore our identity, who we really are, and what we believe in as Malaysians. Let’s talk to each other, have fun and understand the real issues in our multiracial society, and view Stereotyping, Racial Discrimination and Race Politics from a human rights perspective.
If you’re aged between 17 – 25 and would like to participate in the youth workshop, send your details ( name, i.c. number, address, telephone contact number, and what you are presently doing ) to
Forum : Bring Along A Friend
Venue : Hu Yew Seah Hall, 43 Madras Lane, Penang
Date : 15th November, 2009
Time & Program :
1.30pm – 2.00pm : Registration
2.00pm – 3.00pm : Screening of “Sepeluh Tahun Sebelum Merdeka” & discussion with producer Fahmi Reza
3.00pm – 6.00pm : Presentations :
1. Human beings, all born free and equal
2. The founding of the nation : The truth
3. Nation in distress?
4. Did we let it happen?
5. This is my home. I care. I want to make it better
6.00pm – 7.00pm : Q & A and discussion
7.00pm – 7.30pm : Break & refreshments
7.30pm – 8.40pm : Screening of “Gadoh”
8.45pm – 9.15pm : Evaluation & closing
Presentation panellists :
1. Goh Keat Peng ( Executive Officer of Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sihkism & Taoism )
2. Dr. Azmi Sharom ( law lecturer, University of Malaya & newspaper columnist )
3. al- Mustaqeem ( Middle East Graduates Centre )
4. Fahmi Reza ( Producer of “Sepuluh Tahun Sebelum Merdeka” )
5. Jayanath Appudurai ( SABM coregroup )
6. Haris Ibrahim ( SABM coregroup )
More details about SABM Penang Youth Workshop & Forum
Title: Survey Results On Najib' Approval Rating
Speaker: Ibrahim Suffian - Director, Merdeka Center For Opinion Research
Date: 15 Nov. 2009
Time: 2.00pm To 4.00pm
Venuw: Kompleks Penyayang (Caring Society Complex)
Jalan Utama, Penang (next to Governor's Residence)
Website: Sembang-Sembang Forum

Date: 7th November 2009, Saturday
Time: 12pm onwards
Venue: Rainforest, Lower Ground, New Wing One Utama
Organized by: Youth For Change
Admission is free, all are welcome!
More details here.
Forum : Conversations on the Constitution – What is the Federal Constitution

Date : 13th November, 2009
Time : 3.00pm
Venue : Bar Council Auditorium
Speakers : Professor Aziz Bari, Dr. Azmi Shahrom, Hj. Sulaiman Abdullah, Professor Shad Faruqi and Malik Imtiaz
For more information, please click here.
Excellent, Richard. We need more publicity for these events. See you there.
ReplyDeleteWarmest wishes,