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New Route To Malaysia Today
RPK Speaks His Mind - Videos
They will appeal every case, small or big, relevant or irrelevant, when the judgement is not in their favor. It does not matter whether the law or constitution are torn apart, they must win.
The biggest surprise of all, when it is relevant to appeal on the acquittal of Razak Baginda on the murder trial of Altantuya, they did not do so. Something is really wrong somewhere.
If you happen to write or say something that is not true about the government, all the entire forces from mcmc, pdrm, AG, macc and leaders will come after you, talking of taking legal actions, charges thrown on you and you will be hassled.

I call upon the authorities to take immediate actions before the country is brought to shame.
"All Quiet On The Putrajaya Front" is not going to make Altantuya murder case just disappeared.
If PI Bala's claims are true, the authority must initiate an immediate thorough investigation.
If PI Bala's claims are not true, the authority must also take immediate action to bring him in and charge him for the crime of spreading false information.
The following are taken from Malaysia Today, click on the link to read the detail story.
Part 2: Bala’s prison without bars
Bala is made to sign the 2nd SD and is bundled out of the country. From thereon they keep him on a tight leash and he no longer has control over what he can say or do. He discovers he has just entered a life of imprisonment; although without the normal bars and padlocks but still a prison nevertheless.
Part 3: The Malaysian police catch up with Bala
The Malaysian police catch up with Bala in Bangkok and ask to meet him. However, they are only interested in talking about the first SD and there is no discussion whatsoever about the second SD. The Malaysian police, therefore, know the truth but chose to bury it rather than take action.
Part 4: Bala finds his life turned upside down
Life on the run is not as rosy as most imagine when one’s family has to suffer. Bala finds that the money means very little when family life and the children’s education are sacrificed. He decides to change all that and to regain his normal life but his ‘handlers’ have other ideas. He realises, therefore, he has to break away from them if he really wants to be free.
Part 5: I just want the harassment to end
Bala reveals that to date he was paid RM750,000 but the harassment continues and he feels more like a prisoner. He says he has come out of the closet so that the harassment can end and he can lead a normal life again. He just wants his life back.
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