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New Route To Malaysia Today
RPK Speaks His Mind - Videos
When the General and Lieutenant start to revolt or having different opinion of their Commander-In-Chief, the war is lost even before it get started.
Up till today, many are still wondering what is "1Malaysia". 20 million ringgit promotions to get the people simply to except it without actually telling or taking real affirmative actions.
My advise to Najib is, stop all these promotions of your "1Malaysia" slogan and use the remaining of whatever is left of the 20 million ringgit (if there is any left) to help the poor.
If Najib cannot get his own ministers, his party owned media to agree to his "1Malaysia" concept, how is he going to ask the people to stay in tune with his concept.
What we can see and hear are only talks of "1Malaysia" this and "1Malaysia" that, but the real actions taken are more spreading of racial hatred among the races.
Two latest incidents that prove Najib's General and Lieutenant are in conflict with the "1Malaysia" slogan were the BTN courses and Utusan report.
Your Ministers are solidly defending the BTN courses which had been shown that it is contrary to the "1Malaysia" concept. Please read my postings on it here and here.
Your party owned media, Utusan, is just doing the opposite of what you preach about the "1Malaysia" slogan. Your complete silence and no action taken on the racist paper means you accept and allow it to go on. This is what your party owned Utusan report:
Bayangkan apa akan berlaku jika orang Melayu bangkit dan bertindak memijak pula gambar atau poster pemimpin-pemimpin Cina di negara ini. Tidak mustahil peristiwa berdarah 13 Mei yang menjadi sejarah hitam negara akan berulang (Utusan Malaysia). Read the complete report obtained through Malaysia Today and its readers comments here.
Before you proceed any further on your "1Malaysia" promotions, get all your General, Lieutenant and media to understand what "1Malaysia" is all about and be in a synchronize position together.
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