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RPK Speaks His Mind - Videos
Open Letters To President Obama#1, #2
Today 20th April 2010 is Teoh Beng Hock's 31st birthday and if he is still alive today, he will be celebrating his birthday happily with his wife and new born child. But his life was taken away from him under suspicious circumstances. We need to know the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth.
Following photos and quotes taken from Teo Nie Ching FaceBook.

"Beng Hock's family arrive in court.. Notice the Kuih Lapis? It was made by Beng Hock's mum last night. It was Beng Hock's favourite."

"I felt extremely sad 4 Beng Hock's mum today. Bday of a child, is also the day of suffering 4 a mum. I know she misses her son badly, I know no one can replace Beng Hock in her heart, esp when Beng Hock was such a filial son. However, we will do our best to keep her and Beng Hock's family accompanied throughout the jou...rney to fight 4 justice. Many thanks to Yoke Kong 张玉刚, Chan Huan Guan, Duncan Lee Ching Hung, Mandy 汶汶 & Dapsy Serdang for joining me."

"It is sad that we have to "celebrate" Beng Hock's 31st bday in such manner, in such a place. A year ago, he was celebrating his bday with his gf/wife Cher Wei. Simple food simple cake, but they were so happy..."

"I can't imagine how Cher Wei is doing today, esp when all the memory flashback.. But Cher Wei, pls be strong, you know you are not alone, we share your loss, and we share your pain.."
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