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Let Us Give Najib Umno/BN A Chance To Be The OPPOSITION
There is no way that the PM can or willing to reform and take us on the road leading to a developed country by 2020. With his latest statements that Malay is first before Malaysian even though it contradict with his 1Malaysia concept, while claiming that Perkasa is not extreme, are clear telling signs to the non malays to SHUT UP.
What more do the non malays want, you all have been saying that you are not treated as Malaysians, now with Najib's 1Malaysia, all citizens of this country are Malaysians. All Malaysians will be treated equally and fairly as provided in the constitution while the Malay Malaysians must be protected and always be first.
There you have it, non malays are Malaysians but they are second to the Malay First Malaysians.
After 53 years of independence and after 53 years of umno's rule, we are still at loggerhead on the race issue.
Peace and prosperity of this country will never be achieve if we continue to allow umno/bn to rule. umno cannot and will not discard their racist mentality.
Let us give Najib Umno/BN a chance to be the OPPOSITION. We have to sack this arrogant and corrupt servant of 53 years and let them learn how to govern by sitting on the opposition bench.

The 13th General Election is when we Malaysians of all races can breath a new fresh air by voting in a NEW PAKATAN RAKYAT GOVERNMENT and sending umno/bn to be the opposition.

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