They came and robbed the Perakians of their rightful State Government. They used the civil servants, the pdrm and the judiciary (all of whom are suppose to be impartial in dispensing their duties but did not) to ramp through their illegal acts. All legal procedures to form a State Government were not adhered to and now they are acting illegally to dethrone the Speaker on the 7th May 2009. A country that claims to be democratic but is acting just the opposite.
May Day...May Day...the Perakians have been calling since early February 2009 for the return of their legally elected Government but had failed so far. The new PM rhetoric of "1Malaysia" "People First, Performance Now" do not mean anything, since he continues to allow his illegal, immoral and unconstitutional grabbed of the Perak Government to prolong without any consideration at all what Perakians want.
Please lend your support to our fellow Malaysians of Perak by attending the May 7th State Assembly sitting. Read more at Zorro's blog.
For those who cannot be there please read this:
May 7. Wear black. Show Najib 1BLACKMALAYSIA. Say no to umno’s plot to occupy perak legislature after occupying perak state government. Let everyone WEAR black on May 7. 1BLACKMALAYSIA
More details at People's Parliament.
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