From what is happening over the past week, the people are taken for fools again by umno najib.
On one side of the coin najib razak has declared his intention that Malaysians break away from being in an "ethnic prison" and instead think as one.
To quote him: "...we are still operating in an ethnic prison and we should have got over it over the years....we take actions that are based on every ethnic group in Malaysia".
On the other side of the coin he allows utusan and his dpm to spew out racial issues such as these:

KUALA LUMPUR 14 April – Orang Melayu perlu bangkit dan bersatu dalam berhadapan dengan tuntutan kaum lain yang kini dilihat semakin keterlaluan.
Mereka juga perlu sedar dan insaf dengan situasi politik semasa yang menyaksikan pelbagai tuntutan hingga boleh menjejaskan kekuatan politik orang Melayu.
Sehubungan itu, orang Melayu diminta tidak tunduk kepada tuntutan keterlaluan tersebut sebalik bangkit bersatu bagi mempertahankan hak dan kepentingan mereka.
Did najib take any action against utusan by withdrawing it's permit for at least 3 months or calling the home minister or the police to take actions. NO, he did not, closing both eyes while still got the face to call for unity among the various races.
najib's deputy has this to say from his interview with Mingguan Malaysia:
In the interview with Mingguan Malaysia, Muyhiddin said that the BN felt deceived by Chinese voters and that the community should be grateful for government assistance to Chinese schools. The deputy prime minister also said that the Chinese and Indian communities now liked to see themselves as kingmakers in the current political landscape, where Malay votes are split between three parties.
Muhyiddin’s interview has been carried in the Chinese newspapers, with headlines like “Muhyiddin – Chinese ungrateful to BN” (Sin Chew); “Chinese fooled Barisan Nasional. Muhyiddin – Get benefits but do not vote in support” (Nanyang); “BN feels tricked. Muhyiddin - Satisfy Chinese demands still no support” (China Press)
Did he reprimand his deputy for such racist remarks, NO but continue with his rhetoric of his slogan of 1Malaysia.
There are so many immediate actions for najib to act upon but he chose not to do so. Many are asking what his 1Malaysia entails yet he chose to give rhetoric about it rather than actions.
Lastly, what the hell is he afraid of to answer questions from the media except in close door discussion with only a handful of his control media.
This is what Bridget Welsh of the Guardian has to say:
After appointing a lacklustre cabinet, Malaysia’s new prime minister refused to answer questions from the media.
So my fellow Malaysians, what would you do if you are the Prime Minister? Do you want to play with both sides of the coin, to please your own party members on one side while duping the rakyat on the other?
We need for change and we must not deviate from it no matter how najib tries to prove himself that he is a 1najib 1Malaysia leader. His slogans are only superficial and to get the rakyat to return to umno/bn fold. The above two racist reports are proof of his incapability to take actions towards his so call rhetoric of 1Malaysia.
We had been duped for over 50 years and we cannot allow to be duped once again.
Everything is broken
ReplyDeleteEverything is broken
Everything is breaking down, breaking down
Everything is bleeding
Everything is bleeding
Everything is breaking down, breaking down
A pledge allegiance to a country without borders, without politicians
Watching for my sky to get torn apart
We are broken, we are bitter
We're the problem, we're the politicians
Watching for our sky to get torn apart
C'mon and break me
Entropy and Aching
Where have we been aiming?
Everything is fading out, fading out
We are the faded, splitted, and sedated
Everything is fading out, fading out
A pledge allegiance to a country without borders, without politicians
Watching for my sky to get torn apart
We are broken, we are bitter
We're the problem, we're the politicians
Watching for our sky to get torn apart
C'mon and break me
C'mon and break me
A pledge allegiance to a country without borders, without politicians,
Politicians, politicians..
I am broken, I am bitter
I'm the problem, I'm the politician
Watching for my sky to get torn apart
C'mon and break me
C'mon and break me
- sung by switchfoot 'politician'
quite an appropriate cry by the Be End govt